“I have a lot of beliefs, and I live by none of ’em. That’s just the way I am. They’re just my beliefs. I just like believing them. I like that part. They’re my little believies; they make me feel good about who I am.” - Louis CKWhile he is exaggerating for comedic purposes, Louis does make a good point about how we're not always morally in sync with ourselves. Battling our inner demons is something we do on a daily basis. We can't always be that super nice guy/gal that we think we should be. It's just impossible to leave perfect impressions and make everyone happy all the time. This is why I've begun to embrace my darker side a lot more recently. As much as I would love to cuss my boss out and throw him out of the window from time to time, I've learned to fake a smile instead while keeping my imagination active. And yes, I know, I went on a rant about people faking their smiles just last week and here I am acting like one of those people. But see, I feel like this kind of hypocrisy is justified. I've had to change my attitude and behavior as a result of living in a new environment. While my opinions haven't undergone a full 180°, they are certainly less radical. This, however, does not suggest that I've become any more content with "work" if I even choose to call it that. I'm constantly testing to see how far I can push past my limitations while remaining out of trouble. I'm sorry but that is a part of my nature that I simply can't let go. I would rather die than be forced to work for the man. This is why I've begun to direct my energy on writing blogs. I thought that it would be a good entrepreneurial skill to have if I want to at least begin to steer away from that 9-5 lifestyle. What I didn't realize was the added benefits that naturally comes with writing on a consistent basis. Speaking from my measly 2-week experience, I'm noticing that my conversations are a lot more articulate, I'm more focused in general, and that my vocabulary has significantly improved. It feels like I'm at least being somewhat rewarded for all those hours spent trying to squeeze as many SAT words as I could in my head for that stupid reading section. So ya, sorry for the ramblings. After just taking a one-week break from writing, I'm feeling a little rusty again so sorry if it didn't meet your expectations. I'm still getting used to this new routine so the least I can do is continue writing on a consistent basis. Hopefully, when I look back at these earlier blogs in the future, I'll get a good sense of progress and chuckle at some of these lame writing attempts.
A chronicle of my internship experience and the rapid personal growth one goes through working a temporary 9-5 job while striving to maintain his/her sanity. I plan to essentially bring light to generation-y's thirst for finding the right future career and how we do not necessarily have to abide by society's accepted norm of working in a modernized prison in order to contribute to society.

The "Productive"
Saturday, October 17, 2015
Getting Better At Faking It
I've been opening a lot of doors recently (both literally and metaphorically speaking) especially ever since my last post. I guess I've been trying to prove to everyone, including myself, that I am capable of bringing out and expressing my softer side. The thing about putting your thoughts on display for the whole public to see is that you start holding yourself more accountable to your own words. It's honestly a good disciplining process since no one likes admitting their own wrongdoings. It's like telling your ego to go fuck off and no one likes treating their ego like that. It's not nice. But sometimes a little self-intervention is necessary in order to keep everything in check and make sure we're not getting ahead of ourselves. I guess Louis would agree with me in that we're all moral hypocrites to some extent:
Thursday, October 8, 2015
Two Similar Souls: My Tribute to Max Chambers and Kyle Bowersox
Monday, October 5, 2015
It's Okay, No One's Forcing You to Smile

This topic has been a
particular interest of mine ever since I’ve stepped foot in America, so please
keep in mind that I’m not trying to be an asshole as I will be giving the PC
police the bird throughout this post. I’m humbly trying to give my two cents
regarding the bullshits, as I see it, I’ve had to become accustomed to and
accept. (At this time, all those with an I Get Offended By Nearly Everything
Syndrome can politely close this tab)
So what instigated this post?
A co-worker who walks
past my desk everyday and seriously makes me question his sanity/motives due to
the combination of his permagrin and his thousand-yard stare.
Please tell me that
that’s just not normal. Only in the states would you be able to witness such a
Oh you’re telling me
he’s just a really happy guy. Yes, happiness is an emotional state, but
laughing or smiling requires a strong stimulus and unless he’s peaking on molly
or just really high every time he passes by my desk, I honestly can’t wrap my
head around how a mortal being could behave so deliriously.
While I understand that
this is an extreme case, I want to now focus my attention on the general
population and point out that there are a lot of bad actors out there. Let’s
face it, we’ve all witnessed both genuine smiles and fake smiles and whenever I
see the latter, I just can’t help but ask myself:
Now I’m not talking
about bad smiles that arise during first impressions. I’m strictly referring to
those that occur during mid-conversations, the ones that are forcibly slipped
in and consequently give off an “awkward” vibe. The reason I say “awkward” with
quotations is because that word did not mean anything to me for 10 years
because there’s literally no formal definition/ cultural understanding of the
word in Persian. Whenever a conversation does not go in the direction the
participants intended for it to go, rather than perceiving the situation as
“awkward” and freak out about it, most foreign people dismiss it and remain
apathetic towards it.
So what’s the reasoning behind these
cultural differences?
I have no idea. All I
do know is that this has led me to a stereotype:
People from the states
are generally soft people (Especially now more than ever with the emergence of the
diseased ridden PC culture)
Please note that I’m
not saying everyone is this way, I’m just stating my opinion in the form of a
stereotype to help with my generalization.
There have been too
many times where I’ve attempted to engage in more real conversations by bringing
controversial topics to the table only to be misunderstood and dismissed as
being insensitive and causing offence. My biggest sympathy goes to South Park’s
last aired episode (S9 e03) and its take on PC culture. I must warn you,
however, that this episode is one of the dullest episodes ever aired and I hope
you can discern the message they’re trying to convey. It’s truly ironic how
censored we’re becoming in a nation that was founded on the foundation of free
This is one of the
reasons why I love travelling back to my motherland every once in a while. It gives
me a good sense of all the imperfections that exists in both cultures and is
honestly a good detox and change of atmosphere.
Anyone observing the
general American population for the first time immediately sees how fragile some
people’s emotions are and it’s kind of adorable at first to be honest.
I’ve witnessed too
many people easily lose their footing mid-conversation over the most
insignificant things. I’m not saying that I
don’t recognize/create awkward situations. I do; however, I just handle it like how
I was programmed to handle it growing up: dismiss it and move on.
I hope this gives you
all a little bit of my perspective and understanding of some of the things I
see “wrong” with our current generation especially in the last couple of
months. I would really appreciate hearing the viewpoints of all you readers out
there and so I’ll conclude with a few final questions:
How Politically Correct are you in your day-to-day life?
Why do people stress "awkward" feelings here more than any other nation?
How Politically Correct are you in your day-to-day life?
Why do people stress "awkward" feelings here more than any other nation?
Saturday, October 3, 2015

Alright... let me take a step back as to not fully engage rant mode. With this only being my 3rd post, however, I must confess it feels good to be flushing out the toxins from my system. I strongly encourage
Having only been 3 days since the day I started writing this blog, however, I've began to feel more in tune and at ease with myself than ever before. I also keep finding myself carefully taking notes of my immediate thoughts and actions (for blogging purposes) and realizing that I had been oblivious to certain character flaws that still need a lot of tweaking. However, since I'm still a newborn blogger, I'm going to greedily attempt to gain the appeal of the mass by doing this just once, I swear:
Top 10 reasons lists like these are stupid:
Actually I'll stop right here since I think you already know what I'm thinking (Someone out there has probably already posted this exact list).
Working 9-5 for the Rest of Your Life?

You don't have to give Uncle Sam an interest free loan!
For an internship or Co-op that usually lasts half a year or less, your salary most likely puts you on the lower spectrum of the tax bracket. This means that you're probably not going to end up owing the government too much in taxes. Use the IRS withholding calculator to find out the number of allowances you should claim when filling out your W-4. You can expect this number to be as high as 5, but in the end it ultimately comes down to your own personal preference. If you're the kind of student that's living on a check by check basis and could use some extra green in your bank account, then you can claim a higher allowance and increase your paycheck. This comes with the only downside being that you won't get that much money back in tax returns.
Unfortunately for me and many other fresh meats, money is currently the elephant in the room. While it's hard to ignore it at the time, there is a silver lining that comes with it. And that's getting to know yourself better. While there are cases of people hitting the jackpot and working at their dream job right out of the gate, that is rarely the case. As you survive another day at work, you start inquiring about your future and all sorts of hypotheticals. For me, being payed by the hour makes time feel a little bit more surreal. Yesterday, after completing my normal 8 hour shift, I reflected back and wondered how many of those hours I had spent simply killing time. Upon revelation, I reacted by impulsively writing my first legitimate blog and now this one a day after. Anyway, I feel like that's enough writing for my second post. For some reason, I was beginning to force myself to keep writing near the end there. Oh wait that's right, I was confusing it with work and forgot that I don't have a gun pointed at my head. Until my next post, keep it sexy!
Thursday, October 1, 2015
Don't Read This Boss

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